Improve Patient Outcomes & Generate New Revenue with Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Limber Health is a comprehensive platform that empowers in-clinic physical therapists in delivering a hybrid approach to care and features a complete digital toolkit for RTM and the shift to value-based care.


Limber provides a turnkey, white-glove Remote Therapeutic Monitoring solution that makes getting started simple and seamless with no cost to you!

RTM Guide Cover and preview

Want to learn more about RTM? Receive our FREE Guide!

Interested in learning more about implementing Remote Therapeutic Monitoring into your practice?

Click below to receive Limber's comprehensive RTM guide with more than 13 pages of informative RTM content from experts in the field!

Inside you'll find tips, tricks, and helpful guidance on all things RTM including:

  • The basics of RTM
  • RTM benefits for you and your patients
  • CPT Codes and Billing overview

Limber Health is a comprehensive platform that empowers physical therapists in delivering a hybrid approach to care and features a complete digital toolkit for RTM and the shift to value-based care.

Woman using mobile phone on yoga mat

Improve Patient Compliance

Improve patient adherence to at-home care plans with our state-of-the-art home exercise programs and mobile app.

Man receiving physical therapy treatment

Generate New Revenue

Create new annual revenue for your practice through newly developed CPT codes for RTM.

man holding elbow with pain

Track Patient Outcomes

Collect patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) to track patient success.

Woman receiving physical therapy treatment

Implementation Support

Implement RTM into your practice without disrupting existing workflows.


Learn More About Limber Health

Learn more about our full-service solution for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring and home-exercise therapy by providing your information below: